About me

I am a graduate of Science Laboratory Technology (Microbiology and Immunology) from the prestigious University of Jos, Nigeria. I have been passsionate about tech since my high school but gave it more consideration during the COVID-19 lockdown, having thought of how tech could be used to solve problems at times like this

My journey to becoming a web developer started early 2022. I have strong interest in AI and Machine Learning and being a digital health enthusiast, I hope to be building sustainable digital solutions in the healthcare sector, hence, my taking of product design course and my learning software engineering.

At the center of my heart is the love for solving problems and playing a significant role being part of a team. Leadership-wise, I am good at managing and leading a team to achieve great results, leveraging on my great interpersonal and communtication skills, amongst many others.

I love to read books and engage in meaningful conversations that would lead to growth. I built this site in addition to many other great projects. I am relishing the idea of building amazingly great stuffs, now and in the future.